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Info For Stallholders

We welcome local growers and makers of quality products. If that’s you, read on. 

We value community participation as a foundation of resilience.

Our stallholders are locals from within a maximum of 250km from Bermagui. We value small business, growers and unique handmade products. Unfortunately the sale of second hand goods or non-handmade products are not permitted.


We are volunteer-run and encourage our members to participate in running the market.  

Our members are invited to volunteer their time and skills for the benefit of all.

At a glance: Summer 2023-24
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At A Glance

Market time: 3.30pm -5:30pm every Thursday from October to April.

The market operates in any weather unless unsafe,
Stallholders must not trade before 3.30pm


Venue: The old bowling green, Bermagui Country Club 

(In the event of heavy rain, we can sometimes move the market into the Club Auditorium )


Stallholder arrival: From 2.30pm; No vehicle movements after 3pm 


Insurance: Stallholders must hold $20 million Products and Public Liability specifcally for all products they sell


More info: It’s all in the attached Market Rules document.  

Yes, it’s 12 pages long, but it has everything you need to know.  

Please read before applying - Download Document


Constitution: For some fun, light reading, these are the legally-binding rules of the Bermagui Growers and Makers Market Incorporated
Download Document

Why we ring the bell

We ring a bell at 3.30 to signify the market is open.  

Our stallholders wait until the bell rings before they start selling.  

This is to be fair to all stallholders (They all get the same opportunity to arrive, set up and welcome customers).

This is also fair to our customers (They can arrive for the start time comfortable in the knowledge the products haven’t been sold to early bird customers).

Market Committee

Our market is co-ordinated by a committee of stallholders.  

The committee is elected by market members annually.  

We encourage all stallholders to take a turn on the committee.

The committee meets on the third Thursday of the month, straight after the market. The committee’s role and responsibilities are outlined in the Market Rules.

To contact the committee, email 

President – Gavin Gillin

Owner, Hold Fast Distillery

Vice President – Jemma Joyce

Co-owner LJPhotography 

Secretary – Kerri Binstock

Market devotee, Co-opted member

Treasurer – Lynne Ford

Owner, Lynne’s Larder

Member - Donovan Adcock

Co-owner, Field Buckets Farm

Member, Venue and Signage – Peta Belle

Co-owner, Petals and Belle

 Social Media & Website Manager – Jemma Joyce

Co-owner, LJ Photography

Public Officer - Liam Joyce

Co-owner - LJPhotography 

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Djiringanj people of the Yuin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which we grow, make and gather.

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